Aliança offers free activities for children, teenagers and adults in Senador Camará

The Fraternity of the Alliance of Mercy in Senador Camará, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, is promoting an initiative that promises to bring hope and opportunities to the local community. With the aim of offering positive alternatives and keeping children and adults away from the world of drugs, registration is open for free ballet, sewing, guitar, tutoring and tennis classes.

The activities, aimed at children from 5 years of age, teenagers and adults, started this week and will be held at the Fraternidade itself, located at Rua Manoel Ribeiro, nº 5, in Senador Camará. With approximately 15 places available for each activity, classes last up to 1h30 and will take place throughout the year depending on the participation and needs of the community.

The project aims not only to offer healthy and educational occupation for the residents of Senador Camará, but also to provide moments of leisure and learning in a welcoming environment. To register, simply appear in person and provide personal data such as name and address when registering. The entire process is completely free.

+ Opening of multi-sports court in Senador Camará generates hope

Since 2008, Aliança de Misericórdia has played a fundamental role in the neighborhood, recognizing the need for intervention to combat the challenges faced by the community. Amid the scarcity of leisure areas and infrastructure, as well as the presence of drug trafficking, the local fraternity has dedicated itself to offering alternatives for overcoming and renewing. Find out more about the project Baby Jesus Oratory in Senador Camará!

For information about the activities offered, contact us via WhatsApp: (21) 99916-6181.

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