
Ethics and transparency are one of the pillars that sustain the values of Associação Aliança de Misericórdia

Annual report

All results are the result of network action, which includes the contribution of so many who made so many achievements possible.

Check out the 2023/2024 Activity Report to learn more about the numbers achieved in rescuing so many lives.

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Clothing campaign in partnership with FATEC Sebrae was a success
The clothing campaign organized by FATEC Sebrae in favor of Aliança de Misericórdia was successfully concluded, resulting in the collection of a...
Holiday activities in the Alliance’s social projects
The month of July arrived bringing the joy of school holidays, a time of rest and a break from activities for children and teenagers. It's a P...
Aliança de Misericórdia is in the Top 20 of the iBest 2024 Awards
This Wednesday, July 24th, the results of the Top 20 BEST IN BRAZIL in 2024 were released, and Aliança de Misericórdia is classified...
Clothing campaign in partnership with FATEC Sebrae was a success
The clothing campaign organized by FATEC Sebrae in favor of Aliança de Misericórdia was successfully concluded, resulting in the collection of a...
Holiday activities in the Alliance’s social projects
The month of July arrived bringing the joy of school holidays, a time of rest and a break from activities for children and teenagers. It's a P...
Aliança de Misericórdia is in the Top 20 of the iBest 2024 Awards
This Wednesday, July 24th, the results of the Top 20 BEST IN BRAZIL in 2024 were released, and Aliança de Misericórdia is classified...
Instituto Assaí supports the Alliance with donations to Casa de Acolhida in Piracicaba
The Aliança de Misericórdia expresses deep gratitude to the Assaí Institute for the essential support to its Casa de Acolhida Maria Paola do Cordeiro Imolado...
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