Alliance extends aid to flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul

The recent torrential rains that hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul left a trail of destruction, affecting countless communities and leaving thousands of people homeless and in a vulnerable situation. With a total of 428 municipalities impacted and more than 1.5 million people affected, the magnitude of this disaster demands an immediate and supportive response.

Therefore, Aliança de Misericórdia, in partnership with various groups and institutions, is mobilizing efforts to provide assistance to flood victims. A group of volunteers, organized on the initiative of Diandra Sammour, has dedicated itself to collecting essential items, such as water, diapers, milk, ointments and products for children and families. In São Paulo, Aliança provides its space in Rua Avanhandava, 616, Jardim Bela Vista, as one of these support points, receiving donations from 8 am to 5 pm.

Solidarity and unity among all are fundamental to alleviating the suffering of those affected by this catastrophe. Whether by donating material items, offering emotional support or simply including victims in our prayers, every gesture of solidarity makes a difference.

Additionally, for those who wish to contribute financially, the Cáritas of the Archdiocese of São Paulo is receiving donations that will be directed to local parishes, aiming to meet the basic needs of the affected population. The PIX key for donations is the


The generosity also extends beyond borders, with a significant contribution coming directly from the Vatican. Pope Francis allocated 100,000 euros, around 550,000 reais, to help victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. This financial aid, coming from the Apostolic Alms, will be directed to Regional South 3 of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB ), covering the entire state. In his words, the Pope expressed his solidarity with the affected populations of Rio Grande do Sul, assuring his prayers for the victims and their families. The Holy Father's gesture of support demonstrates the importance of extending our compassion and assistance to those in need, especially in times of adversity like this.

The recent torrential rains that hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul left a trail of destruction, affecting countless communities and leaving thousands of people homeless and in a vulnerable situation. With a total of 428 municipalities impacted and more than 1.5 million people affected, the magnitude of this disaster demands an immediate and supportive response.

Therefore, Aliança de Misericórdia, in partnership with various groups and institutions, is mobilizing efforts to provide assistance to flood victims. A group of volunteers, organized on the initiative of Diandra Sammour, has dedicated itself to collecting essential items, such as water, diapers, milk, ointments and products for children and families. In São Paulo, Aliança provides its space in Rua Avanhandava, 616, Jardim Bela Vista, as one of these support points, receiving donations from 8 am to 5 pm.

Solidarity and unity among all are fundamental to alleviating the suffering of those affected by this catastrophe. Whether by donating material items, offering emotional support or simply including victims in our prayers, every gesture of solidarity makes a difference.

Additionally, for those who wish to contribute financially, the Cáritas of the Archdiocese of São Paulo is receiving donations that will be directed to local parishes, aiming to meet the basic needs of the affected population. The PIX key for donations is the


The generosity also extends beyond borders, with a significant contribution coming directly from the Vatican. Pope Francis allocated 100,000 euros, around 550,000 reais, to help victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. This financial aid, coming from the Apostolic Alms, will be directed to Regional South 3 of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB ), covering the entire state. In his words, the Pope expressed his solidarity with the affected populations of Rio Grande do Sul, assuring his prayers for the victims and their families. The Holy Father's gesture of support demonstrates the importance of extending our compassion and assistance to those in need, especially in times of adversity like this.

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