Giving Day: Transforming Lives with the Covenant of Mercy

O Giving Day is a special date that unites people around the world in a powerful chain of solidarity. Celebrated annually, this global movement promotes generosity and reinforces the importance of small actions that transform lives. At the Alliance of Mercy, we embrace this cause to amplify the impact of our mission among those most in need.

What is Giving Day?

Created to inspire giving in all forms – time, talent or financial resources – the Giving Day is more than a campaign: it is an invitation to empathy and sharing. Every donation, no matter how small it may seem, generates immense benefits for projects that promote social inclusion, dignity and hope.

For the Alliance of Mercy, this date is an opportunity to mobilize our network of friends, missionaries and supporters to support the services we provide daily to the most vulnerable. Your gesture could be the beginning of a new story of transformation.

Get involved: Donate and Make a Difference

On this Giving Day, we invite you to join our cause. This year’s campaign features creative ways to engage and raise awareness, with special social media content and moving testimonials that show the impact of giving.

How to Support:

  1. Solidarity PIX: Donate any amount to the key PIX: CNPJ 04.186.468/0001-73. Even R$2 already makes a huge difference!
  2. Share: Repost our content on social media to amplify the message.
  3. Pray and Spread the Word: Be an agent of change by praying for those we serve and sharing our campaigns.

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