Mc Dia Feliz: Alliance distributes joy and meals in social action

Last weekend, the Alliance of Mercy promoted an action that spread smiles and hope in several of its social projects, deeply impacting the lives of children, teenagers and adults. Through the generosity of Sandra and Osmar Zogbi, who donated 2,500 McDonald's vouchers, the institution was able to provide a special moment of celebration and joy for those served in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The initiative included the Shelter Houses, CEIs and CCAs in São Paulo, as well as the Training House in Botuquara, and projects in Rio de Janeiro, such as the actions of the Fraternities of Senador Camará and Gamboa. In addition, all employees of the Alliance were also included, reinforcing the spirit of unity and gratitude that permeates the institution.

At the CEI Mercy I, the children and their families were welcomed with a special presentation by Canta Circus Company, which brought music and literature to entertain everyone before the snacks were distributed. This cultural experience enriched the event, showing that the Alliance's care goes beyond food, also offering moments of art and education.

At the CCA Vila Cuore, the action was carried out in a drive-thru format, ensuring that all registered children and adolescents could receive their snacks in a safe and fun way. The team worked hard to create a welcoming environment, providing a unique experience for those who often do not have access to this type of leisure.

Already the SASF organized a morning of activities for families, with bouncy castles, football, inflatable slides and face painting. This action was supported by the company EATON. After the fun, the children received snacks from McDonald's and a surprise kit with sweets and candies, ending the day with great joy.

A Home Restore Me was also awarded the donation, allowing 455 homeless people to receive not only snacks, but also caps from McDonald'sThis simple but meaningful gesture brought joy and dignity to those who often face great difficulties in their daily lives.

The action, which involved so many projects and locations, reinforces the Alliance of Mercy's commitment to providing not only material assistance, but also moments of joy, culture and solidarity. Sandra and Osmar Zogbi's donation was fundamental for this great support and care network to come to fruition, touching the lives of thousands of people.

The Alliance of Mercy continues its mission to transform lives, creating bonds of affection and solidarity that make a difference in the lives of many. In each action, the commitment to human dignity and love for others is renewed, showing that small actions can have a profound and lasting impact.

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