Christmas for the Poor: A Supper of Hope and Welcome

For many, Christmas is a time for family, a bountiful table and bright lights. But for thousands of vulnerable Brazilians, the holiday brings to light loneliness, hunger and exclusion. Since 2015, Christmas for the Poor, organized by the Associação Aliança de Misericórdia, has offered a gathering that goes far beyond sharing food and gifts: it restores meaning, dignity and a sense of belonging to those who need it most.

This year, the celebration takes place on the day December 15th, from the 4pm, with a mass presided over by Cardinal Dom Odilo Pedro Scherer, metropolitan archbishop of São Paulo. The supper will be held at Júlio Prestes square and is expected to bring together 2000 people homeless people. With the support of volunteers and Catholic communities, the event transforms the lives of hundreds of people, who find in the hug, the meal and the presence of solidarity reasons to start over. For many, it is a turning point: stories of people who began to see value in life and find new reasons to carry on, inspired by affection and service to others.

With the theme “No one is so poor that he has nothing to give, nor so rich that he has nothing to receive.” Christmas for the Poor is the expression of the commitment of the Alliance of Mercy, which works throughout the year to transform lives through projects such as the Coexistence Center for homeless people (Casa Restaura-me), Early Childhood Education Centers, Homes and Shelters, in several states of Brazil.

All of the Association's actions are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN, especially with SDG 1, which aims to end poverty in all its forms, and SDG 10, which seeks to reduce inequalities. The Christmas dinner continues this mission, bringing affection and dignity to those who live on the margins.

Held with the help of volunteers and generous donations, Christmas for the Poor relies on the involvement of religious organizations and civil society. Those who wish to contribute can donate via PIX to the key

Follow all the news about Christmas for the Poor and the location on official social networks of the Alliance of Mercy and application. 

Transform the world around you, with the certainty that every act of kindness is a seed of love and change!

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