Mutirão do CadÚnico benefits people assisted at Casa Restaura-me in São Paulo

On the 25th of January, the Municipal Secretariat for Assistance and Social Development (SMADS) of São Paulo, in partnership with Casa Restaura-me, carried out the CadÚnico task force for people who are homeless and who have never registered in consequences of several issues.

The Cadastro Único is a set of information on Brazilian families in situations of poverty and extreme vulnerability. This information is used by the Federal Government, by the States and by the municipalities, for the implementation of public policies capable of promoting the improvement of the lives of these families.

The task force at Casa Restaura-me was supported by two vans, employees of SMDAS and with the support and organization of employees of Aliança de Misericórdia. In all, during the period from 9 am to 4 pm, 130 people were assisted.

In addition to providing assistance to the population, the secretariat team updated the records of other citizens who for some reason were not receiving benefits, as well as assisting other people who came from other services and territories.


Located in the neighborhood of Brás, in São Paulo, Casa Restaura-me is a social center for homeless adults, which serves around 500 people a day. Offers food, living and socializing space, referral to access social assistance benefits, personal hygiene and laundry, cultural, sports and recreational activities, in addition to professional courses and referral to shelters. The project seeks to welcome and rescue human dignity, giving a new meaning to the life and trajectory of each one of its beneficiaries.

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