
In 2022, for the fifth consecutive year, it was elected as one of the 100 best NGOs in Brazil to donate, by Instituto Doar.

Who we are

Aliança de Misericórdia is a Civil Society Organization (OSC) of a philanthropic nature, which was born in 2000, in the city of São Paulo, with the initial objective of assisting the homeless population in the city center, providing an emergency service and basic, focused on spiritual listening and supply of food.

Over the years, both the founders and the employees and volunteers at the time realized that the demand was more complex and required more efforts, as well as the target audience.

Faced with this reality, the Alliance gradually expanded its services and each year, creating new projects that had the capacity to meet the demands of the population in extreme vulnerability in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Ceará and Amazonas , reaching 46 cities.

The activities and actions carried out have welfare, socio-educational, educational, sports and cultural purposes, aiming at the integral formation of the person at a human, spiritual and social level, and the promotion of man as a whole, without distinction of people.

The works are carried out with the help of public and private partnerships, sporadic donations, contributing members and volunteers, and all of them happen from this network action, in which each contribution makes possible the transformation and rescue of so many lives.

Mission vision values


Promote peace and human rights supported by values of solidarity and love, seeking excellence and transparency in its actions in order to achieve the greatness that is in every human being


Rescuing human dignity in people who have suffered from a lack of support, whether social, economic or family, assisting them and accompanying their development from early childhood to old age. With education projects, family assistance, welcome, sustainability, professionalization and social reintegration.


Always valuing credibility, transparency, ethics, quality, commitment, social responsibility and sustainability.

Mission vision values


Through the action plan and in order to maintain clear guidelines, assertiveness in day-to-day decision-making, risk reduction, optimization and excellence of work and application of resources, for the development of the association, Aliança de Misericórdia counts on with:


Fiscal Council

consulting board


Associação Aliança de Misericórdia is proud of its work carried out for more than 20 years in favor of social development. And this translates into its numbers, seals and awards received, such as the 100 Best NGOs in Brazil Award, by Instituto Doar, which was awarded to Aliança for the third consecutive year. The award was created in 2017 and is a partnership between Instituto Doar, the social and environmental projects agency O Mundo Que Quero and Ambev, with technical support from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and support from Fundação Toyota do Brasil.

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