Alliance in Manaus participates in Popular Tribune in defense of the homeless population

On September 11, the Fraternidade Aliança de Misericórdia in Manaus, together with other Catholic organizations, actively participated in a Public Forum held at the Manaus City Council. The event aimed to discuss and demand public policies for the homeless population, bringing together representatives of the Church and local authorities. The mobilization was an initiative of the Pastoral do Povo de Rua of the Archdiocese of Manaus and was attended by several institutions committed to this cause, such as Nova e Eterna Aliança, Fraternidade O Caminho and the pastoral itself.

Representing the homeless population, Mr. Higson Ferreira had the opportunity to speak, highlighting the difficulties faced by this group and calling for policies that guarantee shelter, safety, access to work and health care. Councilman Daniel Vasconcelos, present at the podium, reinforced the need for the city, especially the mayor of Manaus, to pay close attention to this marginalized population. Father Orlando, representing the Catholic Church, highlighted the role of the Church in offering support, but emphasized that it is the responsibility of the State and the city to ensure effective public policies for these people.

The Alliance’s participation in the forum was an important step in drawing the attention of authorities and society to the urgent need for concrete actions to ensure dignity and inclusion for the city’s “invisible people.” This morning marked a moment of hope and renewal, showing that the union between religious organizations and public authorities can open new horizons for those who need it most.

Initially, the event was scheduled to take place on August 19, in allusion to the National Day of Struggle for the Homeless Population. However, due to unavailability in the municipal calendar, the date was moved to September 11, maintaining the purpose of giving a voice to those who are often not heard.

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