

Belgium received the first visit of the founders of the Alliance, Father Antonello and Father Henrique in 2006, starting the evangelization movement, which was initially carried out between one visit and another with a group of young people and a group of friends. In 2014 the first missionaries were sent who worked mainly in evangelization. In 2019, the mission received a former convent that today serves as a base for the community. Confronted since the beginning of the mission with the demands of refugees and the homeless, the movement opted to make this space a place dedicated to welcoming. There are two reception spaces, in the first space, 14 homeless men are welcomed daily to spend the night, eat, shower and change clothes if necessary. In the second space, 10 to 15 people are permanently welcomed for 3 or 6 months who need a temporary place to live in order to regularize their administrative, housing or professional situation.

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