

The Associação Aliança de Misericórdia is present in Venezuela in two cities in the same state: city Guayana (since 2014) and city Bolívar (since 2018), where he currently develops social work serving 100 families and 200 children.  
The country today faces crises of all kinds – social, economic and political – and situations such as poverty, hunger, lack of resources, or even chronic malnutrition of children under 5 years of age, according to research carried out by the Institute of Economic and (IIES) of the Andrés Catholic University bello, reach up to 96% from Venezuelan households.  
According to official data from UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Organization, 5.4 million Venezuelans have left the country in recent years and the estimate for next year is 6.4 million, a figure that would surpass the numbers of Syria, a country that is at war and does not have the same natural resources as Venezuela.  
Currently, 400 plates of soup and 80 bags of food are distributed per month, but the goal of Associação Aliança de Misericórdia is to increase these numbers and start distributing 2 tons of food per month, both for families and for the two service projects. the children. Thus expanding the project to other places in the country, also affected by the current crisis.  
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