Strong Families: Successful Closing of Another Cycle

On May 10th, a landmark date for the Famílias Fortes project, another cycle full of learning and strengthened bonds came to an end. This journey had the invaluable support of CCA Vila Cuore and Capela São Marcos, both fundamental projects of Aliança de Misericórdia.

The event, which brought together teenagers and their parents, was a true milestone in promoting the strengthening of family ties. Under the guidance of the renowned Dr. Everaldo Garcia, dynamics carefully designed for this purpose were conducted.

During the activities, Dr. Garcia highlighted the importance of family ties in the formation and development of children. Their expertise and insights brought clarity to participants about how the active presence of parents is crucial in this process.

The Strong Families project not only offers moments of reflection and learning, but also provides practical tools to strengthen family ties. The partnership with CCA Vila Cuore and Capela São Marcos demonstrates the mutual commitment to the well-being and integral development of families.

By successfully closing another cycle, the project reaffirms its commitment to continue promoting the strengthening of families and building a more solid and harmonious future for everyone involved. Together we are stronger. Together, we build more resilient and united families.

Over the Program Strong Families

Carried out in partnership with the Federal Government, the Strong Families program consists of a series of seven weekly meetings, aimed specifically at families with children between 10 and 14 years old. The main objective of the program is to promote the strengthening of family protection and construction processes.

Through the program, Capela São Marcos offers support and resources to families at all stages of their children's development. During meetings, participants have the opportunity to engage in activities carefully designed to meet the needs of both parents and children.

Initially, parents and guardians meet separately to receive guidance on how to clarify expectations based on youth developmental norms, adopt appropriate disciplinary practices, manage emotions toward their children, and improve family communication.

Meanwhile, children participate in sessions aimed at developing essential skills for personal and social interaction. They learn to set meaningful goals, follow rules, recognize parenting difficulties and strengths, deal with external pressures, identify positive role models, and offer support to others.

In the second part of the meetings, parents and children meet together to practice the skills learned. These sessions provide a safe environment to resolve conflicts, promote family cohesion and encourage children's positive involvement in family dynamics.

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