
The Triagem, Acolhida and Reintegration Houses maintained by Aliança de Misericórdia, develop sustainability projects as their main purpose in the path of restoring the lives of those welcomed.

Making contact with the environment restorative for your body and soul, providing a path for rebuilding your own life and the environment and thus also offering maintenance of the local environment and sustainability of your own home.

The Triagem, Acolhida and Reintegration Houses maintained by Aliança de Misericórdia, develop sustainability projects as their main purpose in the path of restoring the lives of those sheltered…

Check the initiatives of each house

ALLEA production

In the city of São Paulo, there is Vila Cuore, an educational village, supported by a group of volunteers, where there is a teaching factory, where pâtisserie and pasta courses are held for the vulnerable population in the northern region of the city.

Through this factory, the ALLEA brand, a line of food products from Aliança de Misericórdia, was created.

The products are produced by the volunteers themselves, chefs and also by course students.

The brand is expanding and in the future, everything produced by guests, students and volunteers in support of the Alliance will carry this brand.

In addition to the school factory, there is also a CCA and a tutoring project for children and adolescents.

rahamim city

Imagine “a place where the poor are welcomed, where families are safe, where solidarity and love move people, where there is a refuge for the downtrodden…

A “cell” of an alternative society to the materialistic and excluding world in which we live.

Solidarity, reciprocity and fraternity, in the light of Judeo-Christian spirituality, which will bring innovation: ecological, educational, economic, spiritual, sporting, in spectacle and in art.

This is our dream for Rahamim City (Mercy)!

Bazaar do Cuore: Transforming Donations into Opportunities

Because the Cuore Bazaar its special? Here there are reimagined treasures: each donated item carries with it a story of generosity, readily transformed into support for our projects. Each donation reflects the heart of the mission: transforming simple gestures into profound impacts by offering opportunities and generating hope! 

At Bazar do Cuore you will find: 

  • Valuation of Donations: We use donations received as an essential source of resources to finance our projects. Each item donated is a valuable contribution to the well-being of those we serve. 
  • Accessibility with dignity: We provide an environment where quality and accessibility meet. This accessibility will allow people to purchase items regardless of their economic situation.  
  • Investment in Sustainability: The resources obtained from the bazaars are used directly for the sustainability of our projects. Each purchase made in our bazaars contributes to the ongoing support of Aliança de Misericórdia initiatives, in addition to contributing positively to the socio-environmental impact. 
  • Environmental awareness: Our bazaars also raise awareness about the importance of reducing environmental damage. By encouraging the donation and reuse of items, we are contributing to preserving the environment and building a more sustainable future. 

To find out more about Bazar do Cuore and how you can contribute, contact us on the official number (11) 94316 6402 or visit our Instagram profile (@bazardocuore). 

Join us and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most! 

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