Drawing contest expresses what the perfect Christmas would be like 

As the end of the year approached, the Alliance of Mercy held a drawing competition at the Centers for Children and Adolescents (CCAs) – Pe. Pio, Vila Cuore and São Domingos Sávio, with the following theme: “What is a perfect Christmas for you?”  

The activity was attended by 185 children, aged 6 to 11, and three drawings were selected to be printed. the Christmas card, sent by the institution to all our supporters, as a form of gratitude and closer ties with the cause that they help to maintain with such generosity. 

Social context of participants 

During its execution, we realized that this project went beyond a simple artistic activity; it was also an opportunity for these children to express their dreams, desires and realities at such a significant moment.  

These children live in the outskirts of cities, in deprived areas, with great social vulnerability. Pain and longing are a constant in their lives, as well as facing the fragile health of their family members and the longing for a fraternal union.  


Many of these children face challenges that are outside the scope of what we expect for a Christmas celebration. One of them told us that her Perfect Christmas It would be to have her father by her and her mother's side again, as he was murdered. In her drawing, she expressed her feelings with a house, a Christmas tree, gifts and the family members she mentions. Her sensitivity can be seen, especially when she draws her father with a halo.  

In another unit, after reading the playful story that spoke of a shooting star that grants wishes, a boy surprised us by saying: “If I saw it, I would ask my family to get better.” And he added: “My mother's mother is almost dying.”  

A 7-year-old girl did not draw any Christmas symbols on the sheet, nor did she show any joy as the date approached. She had some difficulty in starting the activity, and before drawing she wrote: “I wish my brother would get out of jail”. She asked for help to illustrate what a court of law would be like, symbolizing the presence of a judge and his brother. When one of us suggested that she draw a Christmas tree there, she replied: “No, that’s not important. What’s important to me is that my brother is released.” 

Together we have more strength to transform 

The entire execution of this project has been a beautiful initiative, which favors the social transformation of these children, whether by understanding them, giving them space for expression and valuing their talents. Have you thought about the impact this could have?  

Together, it is possible to make a difference and show that, even in the most difficult situations, there is room for love, hope, kindness and, above all, for dreaming. 

See the winners and the story behind each drawing here 

You can continue to contribute to the transformation of stories like this. Make your donation via Pix: natal@misericordia.com.br 

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