My Perfect Christmas – Meet the winners of the drawing contest 

The Alliance of Mercy promoted, at the Centers for Children and Adolescents (CCAs) – Pe. Pio, Vila Cuore and São Domingos Sávio –, a drawing competition with the theme: “What is a perfect Christmas for you?”

Meet the contest winners, the young artists and the story behind each drawing: 

CCA Vila Cuore 

Miguel Protasio Ramos, 10 years old, lives in the Taipas neighborhood and has been participating in the CCA Vila Cuore project for three years. According to the local team, he is an enthusiastic child, always willing to learn and get involved in the proposed activities. Miguel stands out for his talent in manual and artistic skills. In addition, he has a brother, Clayton, who also attends the CCA, strengthening family ties and the family's participation in the project's initiatives. 

Upon learning that he was the winner, Miguel expressed his happiness, saying: “I feel very happy and special”. About his drawing, he explained: “My first intention was to portray ‘the two Christmases’: the first and true one [in Bethlehem], and the one that people celebrate today. But these ‘two Christmases’ have the same meaning: to remember the birth of Jesus.”

In the artwork, Miguel drew several people gathered for a meal, with a Christmas tree in the background and a window showing the night sky with the neighborhood in the distance. On the left side, he depicted the Holy Family under a starry, moonlit sky. 

For him, a “Perfect Christmas” and: “With family, with fun and with dinner. But that really remembers the birth of Jesus”. 

CCA Santo Domingo Savio 

Sophia of Neves, 10 years old, is outgoing, always happy, welcoming and very friendly. She likes to celebrate moments with her family and highlights as a special milestone the birth of her brother, Eliaquim, who is now 4 years old. In the Oratório CCA São Domingos Sávio project, Sophia is described as calm, participative and polite. 

In the drawing, Sophia wanted to represent a happy day with her family, with the people she loves, celebrating with a simple but meaningful meal. She included herself with her brother, one of the most special people to her. In addition, lights and a Christmas tree were also part of the composition of the piece. 

In his words: “A perfect Christmas is when you have the opportunity to spend it with the people you love, and eat good food that doesn’t have to be expensive.”. For her, an ideal Christmas is made of affection, care and love. 

CCA Fr. Pio 

Stefany Oliveira, 11 years old, is a sweet, polite and helpful girl, always concerned about her classmates and teachers. This award became even more special for Stefany, because last year she faced severe pneumonia, which developed into fluid accumulation in her lungs, resulting in the partial loss of one of her organs. She was hospitalized for a long time, needed to be intubated and started using a tracheostomy. This condition brought several limitations, such as difficulty attending school and the project on cold days. 

In her drawing, Stefany made a point of portraying the nativity scene, explaining that “There is no Christmas without God”. Next to it, he included a table full of food and a cake, representing what awaits him. “Perfect Christmas”

The contest  

In total, 185 children, aged 6 to 11, participated in the competition. During the execution of the project, the students dedicated themselves to the lines, colors and shapes, using their creativity and imagination. The authenticity of each one, also marked by the social context in which they live, touched those involved in the project. Read some more of these stories here.  

Keep helping 

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